- Phrasal verb is a combination of a verb and proposition usually makes other meaning than two words themselves.
1 Kick in
1. Physical break with your feet. ("kick down" also has the same meaning).
ex. The police kick in the door.
2. Take effect or start a process.
ex. Drugs takes a little time to kick in.
ex. The new policy will kick in on September 1st.
3. Contribute giving.
ex. Everybody kick in five dollars.
2 Kick back
1. Relax
ex. What are you doing this weekend? Nothing just kicking back.
2. Payment (Bribe). ("Kickback" is the noun).
3. Resist
ex. The factory employees kick back the manager.
3 Kick out
1. Expel physically or from a team or group.
4 Kick off
1. Start something ("Kickoff'" is the noun).
ex. We gonna kick off this meeting with a little speech by Mr. Smith.
5 Kick about/around
1. Discuss (informal).
2. Bully for kick around only.
6 Kick up
1. To cause a trouble or pain.
ex. If I left something heavily my back might kicked up.
ex. Kick up afuss, storm, stink.
7 Kick over
1. Topple.
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